Counselling Men

Counselling Men is my specialist service, delivered online to men throughout Australia. I provide a rare opportunity for individual men to be heard, understood, and truly valued. I offer tailored guidance and counselling to help develop the best solutions for men’s own individual needs and goals. My approach to how I work with men was developed from over 20 years of counselling experience, and five years of doctoral studies learning what works in counselling men.

Areas I can help include:

  • Work-related issues, such as burnout, job stress, work-life balance, retirement, and professional dissatisfaction.
  • Relationship problems, such as separation, parenting, communication issues, attractions and affairs, and other relationship issues.
  • Mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, anger management, trauma, or grief.
  • Out-of-control type concerns, such as anger, addictions, alcohol and substance abuse.
  • Bigger question issues, such as masculinity, identity, meaning, and spirituality.

My approach to working with men includes:

  • I aim to provide every man I see with a sense of being truly valued, respected, and treated with dignity.
  • I aim to provide a space where men can feel safe and feel genuinely heard, without judgement.
  • I aim to work collaboratively with clients, listening to their ideas and helping identify their strengths, while offering my own ideas and guidance of what might also help.

For additional information for clients, see here.

Counselling is offered online over Zoom. My appointments are usually on Friday daytime and Saturday mornings. To request an appointment, email