Snapshot of accredited counselling courses in Australia

by Nathan Beel 2024

While preparing for a journal manuscript related to counsellor education, I counted the number of counselling training that enables entry into the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). I found a total of 98 courses with professional accreditation, with 83 recognised by the ACA and 37 recognised by PACFA. Counselling training has proliferated from 1974, where only one named counselling course (a diploma) was recorded (Franklin et al., 1994). Now there are six diplomas, two advanced diplomas, 22 bachelors, 27 graduate diplomas, and 41 masters recognised by at least one counselling peak body. These are delivered across 48 training providers. Counselling education has had incredible growth over the last 50 years.

If interested in viewing the spreadsheet, click on the link below:

Spreadsheet listing of accredited counselling courses data collected 25 May 2024


Franklin, J., Gibson, D., & Merkel-Stoll, J. (1994). Market demand for counsellors and other professionals: 1984-1990. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 4, 39-49.

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